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Frequently Asked Questions
What does Venco do?
Which payment gateways does Venco support?
Is the Venco system secure?
Can I pay for demand notices online?
Can Venco be used to collect payments on behalf of estates?
How does money collected by Venco get to the final beneficiaries?
Can Venco help with the monitoring of diesel consumption?
Can Venco help estates manage their finances and purchases?
Are your meters prepaid and STS compliant?
What does Venco cost?
Can Venco vend tokens for utilities such as electricity and water?
When I make a payment does Venco send receipts?
Does Venco have a visitor management system?
Can the appearance of documents sent out by Venco be customised?
Can Venco distinguish between residents and property owners when generating bills?
Can I create and generate reports on Venco?
Does Venco allow issues to be logged and tracked?
Do the meters alert a user if it's on low credit?